
Dink Flamingo met Hops while he was stationed at Camp Pendleton in the Marine Corp back in 2006. They became fast friends and Hops was a regular performer for Dink over at Active Duty for about three years. One night he and Dink were drinking together and trying to come up with his stage name. Dink said, "Look on the back of that beer bottle and tell me the first thing you see." "Hops" he responded. "There, that's your name." And so it was.

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Hollywood Marine Hops and JT Harris Sex
Hollywood Marine Hops, Hans and Trent Sex

Hollywood Marine Scene 2 - Hops and JT Harris
Hollywood Marine Scene 3 - Hans Ebson, Trent Atkins and Hops
Hollywood Marine Scene 4 - Adam Wells and Anthony and Hops

Hollywood Marine Scene 2 - Hops and JT Harris
Hollywood Marine Scene 3 - Hans Ebson, Trent Atkins and Hops
Hollywood Marine Scene 4 - Adam Wells and Anthony and Hops