Cameron Lane

A midwestern boy, old friend and costar of Brent Corrigan's. Cameron Lane is perfectly proportioned for both giving it and getting it. Brent once remarked that it was rimming Cameron Lane that he first discovered he enjoyed doing it. His hole is beautiful and nicely "tucked", which is not something we can say for many adult stars out there. Equally impressive is his thick dick. Cameron is considerate yet deliberate with it. An obvious lover dabbling in the fucking industry; Cameron's natural body emulates his approach to life. He doesn't take himself too seriously and enjoys life with each day just how it comes at him.

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Known 'round the world as one of the biggest cocks to ever hit the gay adult industry, Barrett has proven himself time and time again as one of the best performers of gay erotica and as a director in his own right with his XXX Amateur Hour line of videos co-produced with Dink Flamingo. Be sure to check out his site,

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Chad Hunt

Chad Hunt is one of the most prolific stars to ever hit the gay adult industry. He and his huge penis have starred in some of the most successful gay videos of all time. Endgame was his final movie before retiring from the industry.

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Known 'round the world as one of the biggest cocks to ever hit the gay adult industry, Barrett has proven himself time and time again as one of the best performers of gay erotica and as a director in his own right with his XXX Amateur Hour line of videos co-produced with Dink Flamingo. Be sure to check out his site,

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What can one say about King Cole except he's an industry legend in his own right. Starring in some of Dink Flamingo's most beloved and popular Active Duty titles. When Dink discovered him in 2004 at a stoplight in Jacksonville, NC, he quickly rose to be the leading star on Active Duty, leaving fans breathless with his beautiful smile and eyes. His co-stars were often left breathless, too, by his huge, iconic dick. Cole has been with Dink for what seems like forever. They are very tight friends and still work very closely together behind-the-camera and can be spotted together at any industry outing that Dink attends. If there was ever a right hand man to anyone, Cole is certainly that to Dink. A lifelong friendship that started at a stoplight in a podunk military town.

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Another regular performer over at Dink Flamingo's Active Duty, Colin has been in the mix since 2006. He's sporting some of the most beautiful eyes and one of the most succulent bubble butts in the entire stable. You can still catch him regularly on Active Duty LIVE.

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Corbett Harper

If you read many blogs you may have known him as the college student that made a name for himself by making videos of himself masturbating in various public places around the University of Hawaii campus and posting them on xTube. The university wasn't impressed, but we were!

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Cort Donovan

Hunky and extra-hung Cort Donovan is athletic with stunning blue eyes, his beautiful 9-inch dick won the award for Best Cut Cock in the Grabby Awards in 2007. He stands about 5ft 10ins tall.

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Curtis Hoffman

A midwestern boy, old friend and costar of Brent Corrigan's. Cameron Lane is perfectly proportioned for both giving it and getting it. Brent once remarked that it was rimming Cameron Lane that he first discovered he enjoyed doing it. His hole is beautiful and nicely "tucked", which is not something we can say for many adult stars out there. Equally impressive is his thick dick. Cameron is considerate yet deliberate with it. An obvious lover dabbling in the fucking industry; Cameron's natural body emulates his approach to life. He doesn't take himself too seriously and enjoys life with each day just how it comes at him.

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